Hrvatske poslovice: razlika između inačica

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m →‎B: Što stavljati engleski prijevod? -_-
Redak 33:
* '''Besposlen pop i jariće krsti.''' (Ako netko nema stvarnog i važnog posla, počet će raditi nevažne ili bespotrebne stvari.)
** ''Translation: An idle priest will start baptizing goats. (If someone is without real and important tasks, he will undertake unimportant or senseless activities.)''
** English equivalent: ''The Devil finds work for idle hands.''
* '''Bez muke nema [[znanost|nauke]].''' (Treba se potruditi da bi se steklo znanje.)
** ''Translation: Without suffering, there is no learning. (You need to put some effort in order to acquire some knowledge.)''
** ''English equivalent: '''No pain, no gain.'''''
* '''Bilo, pa prošlo.'''
* '''Bog je prvo sebi bradu stvorio.''' (Onaj tko ima moć, prvo podmiruje svoje potrebe)
** ''Translation: God first created a beard for himself. (The one who has power, first takes care for his own needs).''
** English equivalent: Charity begins at home
* '''Boj ne bije zlaćano oružje, već srce u junaka.''' (Uspjeh ne ovisi toliko o sredstvima kojima raspolažemo, koliko o našem umijeću, odlučnosti i trudu koje uložimo.)
** ''Translation: The battle isn’t won by golden arms but by hero’s heart. (Our success does not depend so much on resources we have, as on knowledge, skills, decisiveness and effort we put in accomplishment.''