Hrvatske poslovice: razlika između inačica

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Nadopunio Hrvatske poslovice
Redak 21:
* '''Ako hoćeš da pljuneš, pljuni u šaku.'''
** ''Translation: If you want to spit, get spit in your fist.''
* '''Ako mi ne možeš pomoći, nemoj mi odmagati.'''
** ''Translation: If you can not help me, do not let me down.''
* '''Ako ti je slaba pamet, moraš imati zdrava leđa.'''
** ''Translation: If you are weak in mind, you must have a healthy back.''
* '''Alibeg sjaše, Kulibeg uzjaše.''' (U politici imena na vlasti se mijenjaju, a sve ostaje isto.)
** ''Translation: Ali Beg is down from horse, Kuli Beg is stirring up.''
Line 33 ⟶ 46:
** ''Translation: An idle priest will start baptizing goats. (If someone is without real and important tasks, he will undertake unimportant or senseless activities.)''
** English equivalent: ''The Devil finds work for idle hands.''
* '''Bez alata nema zanata.'''
** ''Translation: No tool has no craftsman.''
* '''Bez [[Djeca|djece]] ne raste kuća.'''
** ''Translation: Without children the house will not grow.''
* '''Bez muke nema [[znanost|nauke]].''' (Treba se potruditi da bi se steklo znanje.)
Line 43 ⟶ 62:
** ''Translation: God first created a beard for himself. (The one who has power, first takes care for his own needs).''
** English equivalent: Charity begins at home
* '''Bog je u srcima onih koji ga traže.'''
** ''Translation: God is in the hearts of those who seek Him.''
* '''Boj ne bije zlaćano oružje, već srce u junaka.''' (Uspjeh ne ovisi toliko o sredstvima kojima raspolažemo, koliko o našem umijeću, odlučnosti i trudu koje uložimo.)
Line 53 ⟶ 75:
** ''Translation: Better ever than never. (For some things it is never too late)''
** ''English equivalent: Better late than never.''
* '''Bolje je pokliznuti nogom nego jezikom.'''
** ''Translation: It's better to slide with a leg than a tongue.''
* '''Bolje [[rat]] nego pakt. ''' (Parola borbe protiv fašizma. Smatra se da postoje toliko zle sile da je bolje s njima ratovati nego uspostaviti savez.)
Line 60 ⟶ 85:
** ''Translation: Better to prevent than to cure. (It is more expensive to correct mistakes than to prevent them.)''
** ''English equivalent: Better safe than sorry.''
* '''Bolje vjerovati svojim očima nego tuđim riječima.'''
** ''Translation: Better to believe with your eyes than other words.''
* '''Bolje vrabac u ruci, nego [[golub]] na grani. '''
Line 66 ⟶ 94:
* '''Cvijet je najljepši dok je neubran.'''
** ''Translation: The flower is the most beautiful while nobody touch it.''
* '''Čisti račun, duga ljubav.'''
** ''Translation: A clean account, long love.''
* '''Čovjek i magarac znaju više od jednog čovjeka.'''
** ''Translation: A man and a donkey know more than one man.''
* '''Čovjek je čovjeku vuk.'''
** ''English equivalent: Man is man's wolf.''
** ''Latin equivalent: Homo homini lupus est.''
* '''Čovjek se veže za riječ, a vol za rogove.'''
** ''Translation: The man binds up for the word, and the ox for horns.''
* '''Čovjek snuje, Bog određuje.'''
Line 75 ⟶ 115:
* '''Daj mu vlast u ruke, pa da vidiš tko je i što je.'''
** ''Translation: Give him his power to see who he is and what he is.''
* '''Daleko od očiju, daleko od [[ljubav|srca]].'''
** ''Translation: Far away from eyes, far away from heart.''
** ''English equivalent: Out of sight, out of mind.''
* '''Dobro se dobrim vraća.'''
** ''Translation: Good things will return with good things.''
* '''Dok mudraci proučavaju život, pametni ga prožive.'''
** ''Translation: While sages are studying life, smart people experience it.''
* '''Drvo bez grane i čovjek bez mane – ne mogu biti.'''
** ''Translation: A tree without brances and a man without fault - can't be.''
* '''Dug je zao drug.'''
** ''Translation: Debt is bad company.''
Line 84 ⟶ 139:
* '''Gdje ima dima ima i vatre.'''
** ''Translation: Where there is smoke, there is a fire, too.''
* '''Gdje ima smijeha bude i plača.'''
** ''Translation: Where there is laugh, there will be crying too.''
* '''Gdje velika zvona zvone, tu se mala ne čuju.'''
** ''Translation: Where great bells ring, little are not heard.''
* ''' Gluposti, za kojima najviše žalimo, su one koje nikad nismo učinili. '''
** ''Translation: The nonsense we most regret is the ones we have never done.''
* '''Gradiš kule u oblacima.'''
** ''Translation: You're building a tower in the clouds.''
* '''I ćorava koka zrno nađe.'''
** ''Translation: And the blind chicken finds the grain.''
* '''I nad popom ima popadija. ''' (Rijetko tko je apsolutni gospodar, uvijek se nađe netko «jači».)
** ''Translation: Above the minister is the minister's wife. (It is rare that someone has the ultimate power. There will always be someone higher in hierarchy or “stronger” in some sense.)''
* '''Imati veće oči od želudca.'''
** ''Translation: Have bigger eyes from the stomach.''
* '''Ispeci pa reci.'''
Line 98 ⟶ 169:
** ''Translation: A splinter doesn't land far from the trunk.''
** ''English equivalent: Like father, like son.''
*''' Gluposti, za kojima najviše žalimo, su one koje nikad nismo učinili. '''