Hrvatske poslovice: razlika između inačica

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Nadopunio Hrvatske poslovice
Nadopunio Hrvatske poslovice
Redak 175:
** ''Translation: The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.''
** ''English equivalent: Like father, like son.''
* '''Jabuka koja kasno sazri dugo stoji.'''
** ''Translation: The apple that grows late is standing for a long time.''
* '''Jedna lasta ne čini proljeće.'''
Line 180 ⟶ 183:
** ''English equivalent: One bird does not make a summer.''
** ''Latin equivalent: Una hirundo non facit ver.''
* '''Jezik ti je brži od pameti.'''
** ''Translation: Your tongue is faster than mind.''
* '''Jutro je pametnije od večeri.'''
** ''Translation: Morning is smarter than evening.''
* '''Kapa glavu pokriva, cipela je čuva!'''
* '''Kad čeljad nije bijesna, ni kuća nije tijesna.'''
Line 197 ⟶ 202:
** ''Translation: When a willow bears grapes.'' (That will never happen)
** ''Latin equivalent: Ad calendas graecas.''
* '''Kad stari pas laje, valja vidjeti šta je.'''
** ''Translation: When an old dog barks, you have to see what it is.''
* '''Kakav otac, takav sin.''' (Mnoga karakterna svojstva čovjeka su nasljedna.)
Line 207 ⟶ 215:
** ''Translation: The way it came is the way it will go.''
** ''English equivalent: Easy come, easy go.''
* '''Kako siješ, tako ćeš žeti.'''
** ''Translation: As you sow, so you will reap.''
* '''Kapa glavu pokriva, cipela je čuva!'''
** ''Translation: Cap head covers, shoe keeps!''
* '''Klin se klinom izbija.'''
** ''Translation: Wedge is removed by wedge.''
* '''Krv nije voda.'''
Line 217 ⟶ 234:
* '''Lako je tuđim mudima gloginje mlatiti.'''
* '''Lijepa riječ i željezna vrata otvara.'''
** ''Translation: The beautiful word can an iron gate opens.''
* '''Lonac ide na vodu dok se ne razbije.'''
** ''Translation: A pot goes to water until it breaks.''
* '''Ljutu travu na ljutu ranu.'''
** ''Translation: Strong herb on a bad wound.''
* '''Ljubav srama ne poznaje.'''
** ''Translation: The love does not know shame.''
Line 229 ⟶ 255:
** ''English equivalent: Talk of the devil - and the devil appears. OR Speaking of a devil.''
** ''Latin equivalent: Lupus in fabula.''
* '''Mnogo znao, mnogo i patio.'''
** ''Translation: He knew so much, and he suffered a lot.''
* '''Motati se kao [[mačke|mačka]] oko vruće kaše.'''
Line 235 ⟶ 264:
* '''Na mladima svijet ostaje.'''
** ''Translation: On young people the world remains.''
* '''Naći iglu u plastu sijena.'''
** ''English equivalent: Needle in a haystack.''
* '''Na muci se poznaju junaci.'''
Line 240 ⟶ 275:
** ''English equivalent: When the going gets tough, the tough get going.''
* '''NaćiNapad igluje unajbolja plastu sijenaobrana.'''
** ''English equivalentTranslation: NeedleThe attack is inthe abest haystackdefense.''
* '''Napad je najbolja obrana.'''
** ''Translation: The attack is the best defense.''
* '''Na prosjaka i psi laju.'''
** ''Translation: To the beggar the dogs bark too.''
* '''NavikaNa jesirotu dobari sluga,žaba alidiže loš gospodarnoge.'''
** ''Translation: The habitpoor ispeople aand goodthe servant,frog butraise atheir bad masterlegs.''
* '''Ne gledaj poklonjenom konju u zube.'''
Line 258 ⟶ 299:
* '''Ne meću se dukati na [[cvijeće]], već na curu koju niko neće.'''
** ''Latin equivalent: Margaritas ante porcos.''
* '''Ne može se glavom kroz zid.'''
** ''Translation: You can not with head through the wall.''
* '''Ne možeš imati i ovce i novce.'''
Line 276 ⟶ 320:
* '''Neće grom u koprive.'''
** ''Translation: A lightning won’t strike into stinging nettle.''
* '''Nema dlake na jeziku.'''
** ''Translation: No hair in the tongue.''
* '''Nema kruha bez motike.'''
** ''Translation: There is no bread without shovel.''
* '''Nema ruže bez trnja.'''
** ''Translation: No roses without thorns.''
* '''Nema velikog i značajnog djela bez opasnosti.'''
** ''Translation: There is no major and significant work without danger.''
* '''Ne možeš se s rogatim bosti.'''
* '''[[Nesreća]] nikad ne dolazi sama.'''
Line 284 ⟶ 339:
** ''English equivalent: It never rains but it pours.''
** ''English equivalent: Bad luck comes in threes.''
* '''Nesta blaga, nesta prijatelja.'''
** ''Translation: Treasure dissapeared, friends dissapeared.''
* '''Ne stoji kuća na zemlji nego na ženi.'''
** ''Translation: There is no house on earth but a wife.''
* '''Ne traži kruh nad pogačom.'''
Line 290 ⟶ 351:
* '''Ni luk jeo, ni luk mirisao.''' (Uopće nisam sudjelovao u tome. Nisam u tome imao prste.)
** ''Translation: I haven't eaten the onion nor smelled it. (I haven't been involved in this at all.)''
* '''Nije siromah tko malo ima, već tko mnogo želi.'''
** ''English equivalent: It is not poor who has a little, but who wants much.''
* '''Nije [[bogatstvo|zlato]] sve što sja.'''
Line 296 ⟶ 360:
* '''Nikad ne reci nikad.'''
** ''Translation: Never say never.''
* '''Ni prsti jedne ruke nisu isti.'''
** ''Translation: The fingers of one hand are not the same.''
* '''Novac kvari ljude.'''
Line 302 ⟶ 369:
* '''Novac se na novac lijepi.'''
** ''Translation: Money sticks to money.''
* '''Novci kad odlaze imaju sto nogu, a kad dolaze samo dvije.'''
** ''Translation: The money when they go have hundred legs and only two when come back.''