Hrvatske poslovice: razlika između inačica

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Nadopunio Hrvatske poslovice
Nadopunio Hrvatske poslovice
Redak 385:
* '''Odijelo ne čini čovjeka, ali zato čini gospodina.''' (Iako odijelo ne čini čovjeka, na prvi pogled je izgled ono što dijeli običnog čovjeka od gospodina.)
** ''Translation: Clothes do not make a man, but do make a gentleman.''
* '''Osmijehni se svakom jutru.'''
** ''Translation: Smile to every morning.''
* '''Oteto – prokleto.'''
** ''Translation: Taken - damned.''
* '''Ovca bleji, zalogaj gubi.'''
Line 390 ⟶ 398:
* '''Papir trpi sve.'''
** ''Translation: Paper can withstand anything.''
* '''Para na paru, uš na uš.'''
** ''Translation: Money on money, louse on louse.''
* '''[[Psi|Pas]] koji laje, ne grize.'''
Line 414 ⟶ 425:
** ''Translation: After rain comes sun.''
** ''Latin equivalent: Post nubila phoebus.''
* '''Poslije kiše ne treba kabanica.'''
* '''Pošalji lopova da uhvati lopova.''' (Samo slični ljudi se dobro poznaju.)
** ''Translation: Send a thief to catch a thief. (Only similar people know each other well enough.)''
** ''English equivalent: Takes one to know one.''
* '''Pošto se napiješ vode, ne muti izvor za sobom.'''
** ''Translation: As you drink water, do not blur the well.''
* '''Pravda može biti gažena, ali samo privremeno.'''
** ''Translation: Justice can be tired, but only temporary.''
* '''Prevede nas žedne preko vode.'''
** ''Translation: He threw us thirsty over the water.''
* '''Prodati rog pod svijeću.'''
Line 427 ⟶ 445:
** ''Translation: First leap, then say: "jump"!''
** ''English equivalent: Look before you leap.''
* '''Pune se puške boji jedan, prazne dvojica.'''
* '''Puno baba, kilavo dijete.'''
** ''Translation: Many midwives, child will be lazy.''
** ''English equivalent: Too many cooks spoil the broth.''
* '''Daj prst – ode ruka.'''
** ''Translation: Give your finger - the arm will gone.''
* '''Saka hiža ima križa, a negdo celu cirkvu.'''
** ''Translation: Each house has a cross and one has whole church.''
* '''Sit gladnom ne vjeruje.'''
** ''Translation: The well fed one does not believe to the hungry one.''
* '''S kim si takav si.'''
** ''Translation: With who you are - you are like this.''
* '''Slika govori više nego tisuću riječi.'''
Line 452 ⟶ 481:
** ''Translation: All that's well lasts short.''
** ''English equivalent: All good things come to an end.''
* '''Sve u svoje vrijeme.'''
** ''Translation: All in own time.''
* '''Svi putovi vode u Rim.'''
Line 458 ⟶ 490:
* '''Svjetlo je uvijek na kraju tunela.'''
** ''Translation: The light is always at the end of the tunnel.''
* '''Strpljen – spašen.'''
** ''English equivalent: Patient - saved.''
* '''Strpljenje je gorko al’ mu je plod sladak.'''
** ''Translation: Patience is bitter but his fruit is sweet.''
* '''Svuda pođi, svojoj kući dođi.'''
** ''Translation: Go everywhere, but come back to your home.''
* '''Što bi gori sad je doli, a što bi doli sad je gori.'''
** ''Translation: What was up now is down and what was down now is up.''
** ''English equivalent: What goes around comes around.''
* '''Što je svačije, to je ničije.'''
** ''Translation: What is from everyone, it is from nobody.''
* '''Što možeš danas, ne ostavljaj za sutra.'''
Line 474 ⟶ 516:
* '''Što više, to bolje.'''
** ''English equivalent: The more the merrier.''
* '''Šuma ne strahuje od sjekire, već od držalja.'''
** ''Translation: The forest is not afraid of ax, but of the handle.''
Line 483 ⟶ 528:
** ''Translation: Quiet water wears down mountains.''
** ''English equivalent: Still water runs deep.''
* '''Tko brzo sudi, brzo se i kaje.'''
** ''Translation: Who is quick to judge, he is quick to repentance.''
* '''Tko ide polako, daleko stigne.'''
** ''Translation: Who goes slow, far reaching.''
* '''Tko ide u gostionu – tuđu djecu hrani.'''
** ''Translation: Whoever goes in the bar - the other children feed.''
* '''Tko ima pameti, ne treba mu sreće.'''
** ''Translation: He who has the mind does not need his luck.''
* '''Tko kupuje što mu ne treba, prodavat će što mu treba.'''
** ''Translation: The one who buys what he does not need, will sell what he needs.''
* '''Tko mnogo poklanja – sa hrpe poklanja, tko malo poklanja – od srca poklanja.'''
** ''Translation: Whoever gives a lot of presents - gives from pile, whoever gives a few of presents - gives from heart.''
* '''Tko ne riskira, ne profitira.'''
** ''Translation: The one who does not take risk, does not get any profit.''
** ''English equivalen: He who dares, wins.''
* '''Tko nije služio, ne umije ni zapovijedati.'''
** ''Translation: Whoever did not serve, can not a master.''
* '''Tko pita, ne skita.'''
** ''Translation: The one who asks, does not stray away.''
* '''Tko pjeva, zlo ne misli.'''
** ''Translation: Who sings means no harm.''
* '''Tko pod drugim jamu kopa, sam u nju pada.'''
Line 500 ⟶ 566:
** ''Translation: The first one gets the girl.''
** ''English equivalent: First come, first served.''
* '''Tko radi, taj i griješi.'''
** ''Translation: Who works makes mistakes.''
* '''Tko radi ne boji se gladi.'''
** ''Translation: Whoever works is not afraid of hunger.''
* '''Tko rano rani, dvije [[sreća|sreće]] grabi.'''
** ''Translation: The one who wakes up early, catches two fortunes.''
** ''English equivalent: The early bird catches the worm.''
* '''Tko se dima ne nadimi, taj se vatre ne nagrije.'''
** ''Translation: Whoever suffers smoke does not hot from fire.''
* '''Tko se jednom opeče i na hladno puše.'''
** ''Translation: One who get burned he blows on cold too.''
* '''Tko se mača laća od mača će i poginuti.'''
** ''Translation: Whoever swears by the sword will lie down.''
* '''Tko se zadnji smije, najslađe se smije.'''
** ''Translation: The one who laughs the last, laughs the sweetest.''
** ''English equivalent: He who laughs last, laughs the hardest.''
* '''Tko uči znaće, tko štedi imati će.'''
** ''Translation: Those who teach means who saves will have.''
* '''Tko umije, njemu dvije.'''
** ''Translation: The one who can, gets the two.''
* '''Tko u nebo pljuje na obraz mu pada.'''
* ''' Tresla se brda, rodio se miš.''' (Mnogo buke ni zbog čega.)
** ''Translation: Who in the sky spit on his cheek falls.''
* '''Tko vino večera, vodu doručkuje.'''
** ''Translation: Who's dinner wine, water breakfast.''
* '''Tko zlo čini nek’ se njemu nada.'''
** ''Translation: He who does evil hopes for him.''
* '''Tko žali čavao, izgubit će potkovicu; tko žali potkovicu, izgubit će i konja.'''
** ''Translation: Those who complain of a nail will lose the horseshoe; those who complain of a horseshoe will lose the horse.''
* '''Tresla se brda, rodio se miš.''' (Mnogo buke ni zbog čega.)
** ''Translation: Hills were shaking, a mouse was born. ( A lot of noise for nothing important.)''
* '''SakaTri hižaput ima križamjeri, ajedanput negdo celu cirkvusijeci.'''
** ''Translation: Three times measure, one time cut.''
* '''Tuđe je sve lijepo, ali je svoje najljepše.'''
** ''Translation: Strange is all nice, but it's your most beautiful one.''
* '''U dobrog konja stotinu mana, a u lošeg samo jedna.'''
** ''Translation: "In the good horse a hundred fouls, and in bad one.''
* '''U laži su kratke noge.'''
** ''Translation: In lies one has short legs.''
** ''English equivalent: A lie has no legs.''
* '''Um caruje, snaga klade valja.'''
* '''U nevolji se poznaje [[prijateljstvo|prijatelj]].'''
Line 529 ⟶ 634:
* '''U postolareve [[žene]] poderane su cipele.'''
** ''Translation: The shoemakers wife wears shoes with holes.''
* '''U punoj kući večera se brzo napravi.'''
** ''Translation: In a full house, dinner is done quickly.''
* '''U složnu porodicu sreća sama od sebe dolazi.'''
** ''Translation: In harmonious family happiness comes from herself.''
* '''U [[strah]]u su velike oči.'''
Line 534 ⟶ 645:
* '''U svakoj šali pola istine.'''
** ''Translation: In every joke half the truth.''
* '''Umiljato janje dvije majke siše.'''
** ''Translation: Cute lamb sucks on two mothers.''
* '''U svakom zlu, ima nešto dobra.'''
** ''Translation: In all evil, there is something good.''
* '''U svakom žitu ima kukolja.'''
** ''Translation: In every grain there are horns.''
* '''Uzdaj se u se i u svoje kljuse.'''
Line 545 ⟶ 663:
* '''Vidjela žaba da se konji kuju, pa i ona digla nogu.'''
* '''Voda sve odnese, a sramotu ne može.'''
** ''Translation: The water is taken away, and the shame can not be done.''
* '''[[Vrijeme]] je novac.'''
Line 553 ⟶ 676:
* '''Zid ruši vlaga, a čovjeka briga.'''
** ''English equivalent: The wall breaks down the moisture, and the man worries.''
* '''Željezo se kuje dok je vruće.'''
** ''English equivalent: Beat the iron while it is hot.''
* '''Željezo reže drvo i kamen, ali i njega hrđa jede.'''
* '''Žuri polako.'''