Hrvatske poslovice: razlika između inačica

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Redak 26:
* '''Batina ima dva kraja.''' (Računaj na to da se i tebi može vratiti onako kako (loše) činiš drugima.)
** ''Translation: A stick has two ends. Beware that you can get it back the same way if you harm otheranother person.)''
* '''Besposlen pop i jariće krsti.''' (Ako netko nema stvarnog i važnog posla, počet će raditi nevažne ili bespotrebne stvari.)
** ''Translation: IdleAn idle priest will start baptizing goats. (If someone is without real and important task, he will undertake unimportant or senseless activities.)''
** English equivalent: The Devil finds work for idle hands
* '''Bez muke nema nauke.''' (Treba se potruditi da bi se steklo znanje.)