Hrvatske poslovice: razlika između inačica

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Modra (Razgovor | doprinosi)
Modra (Razgovor | doprinosi)
Redak 34:
** ''Translation: An idle priest will start baptizing goats. (If someone is without real and important tasks, he will undertake unimportant or senseless activities.)''
** English equivalent: The Devil finds work for idle hands
* '''Bez muke nema [[znanost|nauke]].''' (Treba se potruditi da bi se steklo znanje.)
** ''Translation: Without suffering, there is no learning. (You need to put some effort in order to acquire some knowledge.)''
** ''English equivalent: '''No pain, no gain.'''''
Redak 44:
** ''Translation: The battle isn’t won by golden arms but by hero’s heart. (Our success does not depend so much on resources we have, as on knowledge, skills, decisiveness and effort we put in accomplishment.''
* '''Bolje [[smrt|grob]] nego rob.''' (Parola borbe protiv fašizma. Smatra se da postoje podčinjenosti toliko nepodnošljive da je bolje umrijeti.)
** ''Translation: Better the grave than (to be) a slave. (The slogan created during resistance against fascism. It is believed that some subservience is so unbearable that it is better to die.)''
Redak 51:
** ''English equivalent: Better late than never.''
* '''Bolje [[rat]] nego pakt. ''' (Parola borbe protiv fašizma. Smatra se da postoje toliko zle sile da je bolje s njima ratovati nego uspostaviti savez.)
** ''Translation: Better war than pact. (The slogan created during resistance against fascism. It is believed that some forces are so evil that it is better go in war against them than to cooperate with them.)''
Redak 58:
** ''English equivalent: Better safe than sorry.''
* '''Bolje vrabac u ruci, nego [[golub]] na grani. '''
** ''Translation: Better (to have) a sparrow in the hand then a pigeon on the branch.''
** ''English equivalent: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.''
Redak 73:
* '''Daleko od očiju, daleko od [[ljubav|srca]].'''
** ''Translation: Far away from eyes, far away from heart.''
** ''English equivalent: Out of eyesight, out of mind.''
Redak 111:
* '''Kapa glavu pokriva, cipela je čuva!'''
* '''Kad čeljad nije bijesna, ni kuća nije tijesna.'''
** ''Translation: When children are not furious, the house isn’t too small either.''
* '''Kad [[mačke]] nema, miševi kolo vode. '''
** ''Translation: When cat is absent, mice dance.''
** ''English equivalent: When the cat's away the mice will play.''
Redak 154:
** ''Latin equivalent: Lupus in fabula.''
* '''Motati se kao [[mačke|mačka]] oko vruće kaše.'''
** ''Translation: To circle like a cat around a hot porridge.''
** ''English equivalent: Beating around bush.''
Redak 174:
** ''English equivalent: Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.''
* '''Ne laje [[psi|pas]] zbog sela.'''
** ''Translation: The dog doesn’t bark because of the village.''
* '''Ne maljaj vraga[[vrag]]a na zid.'''
** ''Translation: Do not paint the devil on the wall.''
Redak 201:
** ''Translation: there is no bread without shovel.''
* '''[[Nesreća]] nikad ne dolazi sama.'''
** ''Translation: A disaster never comes alone.''
** ''English equivalent: It never rains but it pours.''
Redak 209:
** ''Translation: Do not ask for bread if you have tortilla.''
* '''Nije [[bogatstvo|zlato]] sve što sja.'''
** ''English equivalent: Not all that glitters is gold.''
Redak 227:
** ''Latin equivalent: De mortuis nil nisi bonum.''
* '''Odijelo ne čini [[ljudi|čovjeka]].'''
** ''Translation: Clothes do not make a man.''
** ''English equivalent: You can't tell a book by its cover.''
Redak 243:
** ''Translation: Paper can withstand anything.''
* '''[[Psi|Pas]] koji laje, ne grize.'''
** ''Translation: Barking dogs don't bite.''
** ''English equivalent: His bark is worse than his bite.''
Redak 256:
** ''Translation: First help yourself and then even the God will help you.''
* '''[[Dobrota|Pomozi]] sirotu na svoju sramotu.'''
** ''Translation: Help the poor one for your own shame.''
* '''Pored takvih [[prijateljstvo|prijatelja]] što će mi neprijatelji.'''
** ''Translation: With such friends, one doesn't need enemies anymore.''
** ''English equivalent: With friends like these, who needs enemies?''
Redak 309:
** ''English equivalent: All things come to he who waits.''
* '''SvijetloSvjetlo je uvijek na kraju tunela.'''
* '''Strpljen – spašen.'''
Redak 349:
** ''Translation: The one who digs the hole under someone else will fall in it himself.''
* '''Tko prvi, njegova [[žene|djevojka]].'''
** ''Translation: The first one gets the girl.''
** ''English equivalent: First come, first served.''
* '''Tko rano rani, dvije [[sreća|sreće]] grabi.'''
** ''Translation: The one who wakes up early, catches two fortunes.''
** ''English equivalent: The early bird catches the worm.''
Redak 375:
** ''English equivalent: A lie has no legs.''
* '''U nevolji se poznaje [[prijateljstvo|prijatelj]].'''
** ''Translation: In trouble a friend is recognized.''
** ''English equivalent: A friend in need is a friend indeed.''
* '''U postolareve [[žene]] poderane su cipele.'''
** ''Translation: The shoemakers wife wears shoes with holes.''
* '''U strahu[[strah]]u su velike oči.'''
** ''Translation: In fear the eyes are big.''
Redak 393:
** ''Translation: Trust yourself and your horse.''
* '''U [[zdravlje|zdravom]] tijelu zdrav duh.'''
* '''[[Vrijeme]] je novac.'''
** ''English equivalent: Time is money.''