Hrvatske poslovice: razlika između inačica

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m Uklonjena promjena suradnika, vraćeno na zadnju inačicu suradnika
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Hrvatske poslovice. Mnogo ih je narodnih ili "narodnih", pa je teško navesti izvor, no kad god je to moguće, navedite ga radi usporedbe i provjere.
Engleski prijevod i ekvivalent su navedeni radi povezivanja s ostalim WikiQuotes.
Ova se stranica može naći i na [ Croatian Proverbs]
''A selection of Croatian proverbs. Many are considered to be traditional so source cannot be determined. ''
''English translation and equivalent are given for the purpose of linking with other WikiQuotes.''
This page can be found also on [ Croatian Proverbs]
== Format ==
* '''Hrvatska poslovica.''' (Objašnjenje značenja poslovice.)
** ''Translation: Literal translation in English. (Explanation of the meaning of the proverb.)''
** ''English equivalent: '''English proverb that is considered to be equivalent to the Croatian proverb'''''
[[#A|A]] [[#B|B]] [[#C|C]] [[#D|D]] [[#E|E]] [[#F|F]] [[#G|G]] [[#H|H]] [[#I|I]] [[#J|J]] [[#L|L]] [[#M|M]] [[#N|N]] [[#O|O]] [[#P|P]] [[#Q|Q]] [[#R|R]] [[#S|S]] [[#T|T]] [[#U|U]] [[#V|V]] [[#W|W]] [[#X|X]] [[#Y|Y]] [[#Z|Z]]
* '''Batina ima dva kraja.''' (Računaj na to da se i tebi može vratiti onako kako (loše) činiš drugima.)
** ''Translation: A stick has two ends. Beware that you can get it back the same way if you harm another person.)''
* '''Batina je iz raja izašla.'''
** ''Translation: The beating stick came from heaven. Punishment is sometimes necessary and with purpuse.''
* '''Besposlen pop i jariće krsti.''' (Ako netko nema stvarnog i važnog posla, počet će raditi nevažne ili bespotrebne stvari.)
** ''Translation: An idle priest will start baptizing goats. (If someone is without real and important tasks, he will undertake unimportant or senseless activities.)''
Line 5 ⟶ 36:
* '''Bez muke nema [[znanost|nauke]].''' (Treba se potruditi da bi se steklo znanje.)
** ''Translation: Without suffering, there is no learning. (You need to put some effort in order to acquire some knowledge.)''
** ''English equivalent: '''No pain, no gain.'''''* '''Papir trpi sve.'''
* '''Bog je prvo sebi bradu stvorio.''' (Onaj tko ima moć, prvo podmiruje svoje potrebe)
** ''Translation: God first created a beard for himself. (The one who has power, first takes care for his own needs).''
** English equivalent: Charity begins at home
* '''Boj ne bije zlaćano oružje, već srce u junaka.''' (Uspjeh ne ovisi toliko o sredstvima kojima raspolažemo, koliko o našem umijeću, odlučnosti i trudu koje uložimo.)
** ''Translation: The battle isn’t won by golden arms but by hero’s heart. (Our success does not depend so much on resources we have, as on knowledge, skills, decisiveness and effort we put in accomplishment.''
* '''Bolje [[smrt|grob]] nego rob.''' (Parola borbe protiv fašizma. Smatra se da postoje podčinjenosti toliko nepodnošljive da je bolje umrijeti.)
** ''Translation: Better the grave than (to be) a slave. (The slogan created during resistance against fascism. It is believed that some subservience is so unbearable that it is better to die.)''
* '''Bolje ikad nego nikad.''' (Za neke stvari nikad nije kasno)
** ''Translation: Better ever than never. (For some things it is never too late)''
** ''English equivalent: Better late than never.''
* '''Bolje [[rat]] nego pakt. ''' (Parola borbe protiv fašizma. Smatra se da postoje toliko zle sile da je bolje s njima ratovati nego uspostaviti savez.)
** ''Translation: Better war than pact. (The slogan created during resistance against fascism. It is believed that some forces are so evil that it is better go in war against them than to cooperate with them.)''
* '''Bolje spriječiti nego liječiti.''' (Skuplje je popravljati greške nego ih spriječiti.)
** ''Translation: Better to prevent than to cure. (It is more expensive to correct mistakes than to prevent them.)''
** ''English equivalent: Better safe than sorry.''
* '''Bolje vrabac u ruci, nego [[golub]] na grani. '''
** ''Translation: Better (to have) a sparrow in the hand then a pigeon on the branch.''
** ''English equivalent: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.''
* '''Čovjek je čovjeku vuk.'''
** ''English equivalent: Man is man's wolf.''
** ''Latin equivalent: Homo homini lupus est.''
* '''Čovjek snuje, Bog određuje.'''
** ''Translation: A man plans, but God decides.''
* '''Daleko od očiju, daleko od [[ljubav|srca]].'''
** ''Translation: Far away from eyes, far away from heart.''
** ''English equivalent: Out of sight, out of mind.''
* '''Gdje ima dima ima i vatre.'''
** ''Translation: Where there is smoke, there is a fire, too.''
* '''Gdje ima smijeha bude i plača.'''
** ''Translation: Where there is laugh, there will be crying too.''
* '''I nad popom ima popadija. ''' (Rijetko tko je apsolutni gospodar, uvijek se nađe netko «jači».)
** ''Translation: Above the minister is the minister's wife. (It is rare that someone has the ultimate power. There will always be someone higher in hierarchy or “stronger” in some sense.)''
* '''Ispeci pa reci.'''
** ''Translation: First bake it, than say it.''
* '''Iver ne pada daleko od klade. '''
** ''Translation: A splinter doesn't land far from the trunk.''
** ''English equivalent: Like father, like son.''
*''' Gluposti, za kojima najviše žalimo, su one koje nikad nismo učinili. '''
* '''Jabuka ne pada daleko od stabla.'''
** ''Translation: The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.''
** ''English equivalent: Like father, like son.''
* '''Jedna lasta ne čini proljeće.'''
** ''Translation: One swallow does not make a spring.''
** ''English equivalent: One bird does not make a summer.''
** ''Latin equivalent: Una hirundo non facit ver.''
* '''Jutro je pametnije od večeri.'''
** ''Translation: Morning is smarter than evening.''
* '''Kapa glavu pokriva, cipela je čuva!'''
* '''Kad čeljad nije bijesna, ni kuća nije tijesna.'''
** ''Translation: When children are not furious, the house isn’t too small either.''
* '''Kad [[mačka]] ode, miševi kolo vode. '''
** ''Translation: When cat is absent, mice dance.''
** ''English equivalent: When the cat's away the mice will play.''
* '''Kad na vrbi rodi grožđe.'''
** ''Translation: When a willow bares grapes.'' (That will never happen)
** ''Latin equivalent: Ad calendas graecas.''
* '''Kakav otac, takav sin.''' (Mnoga karakterna svojstva čovjeka su nasljedna.)
** ''English equivalent: Like father, like son.''
* '''Kak pri jelu, tak pri djelu.'''
** ''Translation: The way one behives at meal is the way one behaves at work.''
* '''Kako došlo, tako prošlo.'''
** ''Translation: The way it came is the way it will go.''
** ''English equivalent: Easy come, easy go.''
* '''Krv nije voda.'''
** ''Translation: The blood is not water.''
** ''English equivalent: Blood is thicker than water.''
* '''Kud svi Turci tu i ćoravi Mujo''' (Ako ne znaš sam donijeti odluku u nekoj situaciji, slijedi druge.)
** ''Translation: Where everybody goes, should blind Mujo, too. (If you can’t make your own decision in a situation, follow the others.)''
** ''English equivalent: When in Rome, do as Romans do.''
* '''Lonac ide na vodu dok se ne razbije.'''
** ''Translation: A pot goes to water until it is broken.''
* '''Ljutu travu na ljutu ranu.
* '''Mi o vuku, a vuk na vrata.'''
** ''Translation: we (talk) about the wolf and the wolf (comes) at the door.''
** ''English equivalent: Talk of the devil - and the devil appears. OR Speaking of a devil.''
** ''Latin equivalent: Lupus in fabula.''
* '''Motati se kao [[mačke|mačka]] oko vruće kaše.'''
** ''Translation: To circle like a cat around a hot porridge.''
** ''English equivalent: Beating around bush.''
* '''Na muci se poznaju junaci.'''
** ''Translation: In trouble you know a hero.''
** ''English equivalent: When the going gets tough, the tough get going.''
* '''Naći iglu u plastu sijena.'''
** ''English equivalent: Needle in a haystack.''
* '''Navika je dobar sluga, ali loš gospodar.'''
** ''Translation: The habit is a good servant, but a bad master.''
* '''Ne gledaj poklonjenom konju u zube.'''
** ''Translation: Don't look a gift horse in the teeth.''
** ''English equivalent: Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.''
* '''Ne laje [[psi|pas]] zbog sela.'''
** ''Translation: The dog doesn’t bark because of the village.''
* '''Ne maljaj [[vrag]]a na zid.'''
** ''Translation: Do not paint the devil on the wall.''
* '''Ne možeš imati i ovce i novce.'''
** ''Translation: You can’t have both money and sheep.''
** ''English equivalent: You can’t have a cake and eat it, too.''
* '''Ne kupuj mačka u vreći.'''
** ''Translation: Don't buy a cat in a bag.''
** ''English equivalent: Don't buy a pig in a poke.''
* '''Ne stavljaj sva jaja u jednu košaru.'''
** ''Translation: Don't put all eggs in one basket.''
* '''Ne trči pred rudo.'''
** ''Translation: Don't run in front of a carriage.''
** ''English equivalent: Don't jump a gun.''
* '''Neće grom u koprive.'''
** ''Translation: A lightning won’t strike into stinging nettle.''
* '''Nema kruha bez motike.'''
** ''Translation: There is no bread without shovel.''
* '''[[Nesreća]] nikad ne dolazi sama.'''
** ''Translation: A disaster never comes alone.''
** ''English equivalent: It never rains but it pours.''
** ''English equivalent: Bad luck comes in threes.''
* '''Ne traži kruh nad pogačom.'''
** ''Translation: Do not ask for bread if you have tortilla.''
* '''Ni luk jeo, ni luk mirisao.''' (Uopće nisam sudjelovao u tome. Nisam u tome imao prste.)
** ''Translation: I haven't eaten the onion nor smelled it. (I haven't been involved in this at all.)''
* '''Nije [[bogatstvo|zlato]] sve što sja.'''
** ''English equivalent: Not all that glitters is gold.''
* '''Nikad ne reci nikad.'''
** ''Translation: Never say never.''
* '''Novac kvari ljude.'''
** ''Translation: Money spoils people.''
* '''Novac se na novac lijepi.'''
** ''Translation: Money sticks to money.''
* '''O mrtvima sve najbolje.'''
** ''Translation: About dead speak only the best.''
** ''Latin equivalent: De mortuis nil nisi bonum.''
* '''Odijelo ne čini [[ljudi|čovjeka]].'''
** ''Translation: Clothes do not make a man.''
** ''English equivalent: You can't tell a book by its cover.''
* '''Odijelo ne čini čovjeka, ali zato čini gospodina.''' (Iako odijelo ne čini čovjeka, na prvi pogled je izgled ono što dijeli običnog čovjeka od gospodina.)
** ''Translation: Clothes do not make a man, but do make a gentleman.''
* '''Papir trpi sve.'''
** ''Translation: Paper can withstand anything.''
Line 115 ⟶ 352:
* '''Tko prvi, njegova [[žene|djevojka]].'''
** ''Translation: The first one gets the girl.''
** ''English equivalent: First come, first served.''
* '''Tko rano rani, dvije [[sreća|sreće]] grabi.'''
** ''Translation: The one who wakes up early, catches two fortunes.''
** ''English equivalent: The early bird catches the worm.''
* '''Tko se zadnji smije, najslađe se smije.'''
** ''Translation: The one who laughs the last, laughs the sweetest.''
** ''English equivalent: He who laughs last, laughs the hardest.''
* '''Tko umije, njemu dvije.'''
** ''Translation: The one who can, gets the two.''
* ''' Tresla se brda, rodio se miš.''' (Mnogo buke ni zbog čega.)
** ''Translation: Hills were shaking, a mouse was born. ( A lot of noise for nothing important.)''
* '''Saka hiža ima križa, a negdo celu cirkvu'''
* '''U laži su kratke noge.'''
** ''Translation: In lies one has short legs.''
** ''English equivalent: A lie has no legs.''
* '''U nevolji se poznaje [[prijateljstvo|prijatelj]].'''
** ''Translation: In trouble a friend is recognized.''
** ''English equivalent: A friend in need is a friend indeed.''
* '''U postolareve [[žene]] poderane su cipele.'''
** ''Translation: The shoemakers wife wears shoes with holes.''
* '''U [[strah]]u su velike oči.'''
** ''Translation: In fear the eyes are big.''
* '''U svakoj šali pola istine.'''
* '''Umiljato janje dvije majke siše.'''
** ''Translation: Cute lamb sucks on two mothers.''
* '''Uzdaj se u se i u svoje kljuse.'''
** ''Translation: Trust yourself and your horse.''
* '''U [[zdravlje|zdravom]] tijelu zdrav duh.'''
* '''[[Vrijeme]] je novac.'''
** ''English equivalent: Time is money.''
* '''Vuk dlaku mijenja, ali ćud nikada.'''
** ''Translation: The wolf changes his hair, but never his character.''
* '''Željezo se kuje dok je vruće.'''
** ''English equivalent: Beat the iron while it is hot.''
* '''Žuri polako.'''
** ''Translation: Hasten slowly.''
** ''Latin equivalent: Festina lente.''
== See also ==
* [[List of proverbs]]
* [[w:Croatian|Croatian]]
* [[w:Croatian language|Croatian language]]
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